Health-promoting properties of fruits and vegetables

The demand for healthy food, and with it the analysis of healthy ingredients in food, is increasing. That is why our nutritional analyzes provide reliable information about the health of fruits and vegetables.

Variation in nutritional value

The nutritional value of fruit and vegetables varies and depends on the variety, cultivation method and season. Until now, there was insufficient control over this. We convert knowledge about nutritional value into reliability about the health or nutritional value of your fruit and vegetables.

The value(s) of fruit and vegetables

More and more people are confronted with lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Population research shows that eating fruit and vegetables contributes to health. That knowledge only increases through research.
Consumers are also becoming increasingly aware of the influence of food on their health. But because it is now difficult for companies to explain exactly what is in their product and why it is therefore healthy, the knowledge about health-promoting ingredients in fruit and vegetables is not yet used enough.

Innovative measurement methods

In order to appreciate the positive effect of fruit and vegetables, it is important to know more about these products. In our analyses, we use innovative measuring methods to measure ingredients in fruit and vegetables. We can also develop new analyzes for you on request.
Ultimately, only reliable information about important ingredients can contribute to strengthening consumer confidence.
With this in mind, we also support various initiatives, such as the research projects “Green Health Solutions” and “The Values ​​of Fruit and Vegetables”. In this, we work together on new crops or on research to enable faster claims on the health-promoting effect of products.

Our analyzes and investigations

Groen Agro Control has developed a number of analyzes that allow us to reliably measure what is in food. We also do this for research so that the health effect can be better mapped out. Below is an overview per product of the most common analyses.

Vitamins Additional Ingredients
Potato C
Strawberry B3, B6, B9 (folate) en C Anthocyanins*1
Avocado B11 (folic acid), E
Blueberry Pro-vitamin A (Beta carotene), B1, B2, B3, B5,

B6, B8, B9, B12, B11 (folic acid), C, E, K

Beans C
Broccoli C Glucosinolaten
Champignons D2 beta-Glucans
Cress A, B1, B2, B6, B11 (folic acid), C, E Glucosinolates
Dates A, B1, B2, B6, K
Grapes C Anthocyanins
Grapefruit C
Cucumber B, C
Mais B1, B2 and B6
Mango B6, C Carotenes, Glutamic Acid
Melon C Carotenes
Paprika C Carotenes
Pumpkin A Carotenes
Raisins B
Orange C
Lettuce B11 (folic acid), C, K Luteine
Tomato Pro-vitamine A (Beta carotene), B11, C Glutamic Acid, Lycopene
Carrot Pro-vitamine A (Beta carotenes) Carotenes
Sweet potato A, C Carotenes

Discover the value(s) of your product

Please contact us and consult with our colleague Michel Witmer. Or call to +31(0)15 257 25 11.