Adjusted opening hours

During the upcoming holidays we have different opening hours. Keep this in mind if you want to send samples for analysis during this time.

**QS recognizes first lab in Latin America: Normec Groen Agro Control Peru**

During the upcoming holidays we have different opening hours. Keep this in mind if you want to send samples for analysis during this time.

Aangepaste openingstijden tijdens kerst en nieuwjaarsdag

Ons laboratorium is gesloten tijdens de kerst. Houd hier rekening mee als u in deze periode monsters wilt verzenden voor analyse.

Normec Groen Agro Control on the Fruit Logistica Fair 2023

From February 8 till 10, you can visit us at stand A-12 in hall 3.2 of Fruit Logistica in Berlin.During this fair, senior product manager AGF & Food Michel Witmer will inform visitors of the fair about the services that Normec…